Friday 25 November 2011

Week 1

I can honestly say this is so much harder than I thought it would be! I have learnt a lot about myself in just this one week! I had no idea how much easier it is to just say no to things than be a bit daring and not worry about this consequences and just say YES!
So time for a break down of the week and what I did :)

Friday 18th November
I was asked by a friend if I would have a gym induction. If you know anything about me then this is a pretty big thing for me to agree to do! I don't like gyms, don't like the idea of working out in front of a room of strangers, and to be honest I have never had a need to go before due to the amount of dancing I used to do. But I went and had it!

I was also asked by my boy friend if I wanted a hair cut. I have needed a hair cut for a while but figured I would wait until I went home for the christmas holidays. But they said that I could get 50% off, but I still wasn't sure after all if I waited until I went home it would have only cost me £9 where as if I had it here it would be £25! but then being the amazing person he is he said he would pay the difference :) so as I sit here typing I have a new hair style!

Saturday 19th November
This was such a good day :) went to London for the day with the boyfriend!
First he asked me if I wanted to go to the Natural History Museum and that I didn't even need to think twice about and if people are ever in London they should definitely go!! Its free to get in and there is so much to see and so many interesting things to learn! Then there was kind of a mutual agreement between the two of us to go back to London before Christmas and we have decided to go for his birthday, so I am super excited about that!
Then finally I said yes to going to a German Restaurant in London called Herman ze German for lunch, I can now officially say currywurst is gooooood!

Monday 21st November
Not a very exciting day if I am honest but lectures started back up for the week so what do you expect! well the first thing I said yes to was getting a starbucks (I did warn you) and then the second was to start doing some research for an essay! haha weekends are definitely more interesting!

Tuesday 22nd November
Again a rather unexciting day and was only asked to watch a documentary called "The great climate change swindle" I'll be honest if you are interested in climate and what not then it is an interesting documentary to watch but it needs to be taken with a pinch of salt I feel. Here's the program for those who wish to watch it on here or either click the link!

Wednesday 23rd November
Didn't do a lot on Wednesday although I did have my gym induction, I would show you a picture but I don't have any, nobody needs to see me at a gym!! but I promise I was there!!
My house mate has fencing on Wednesdays so I said I would walk her to that and then I said I would go into town for her as she was off for a night out and didn't have time to buy an outfit!
Went out to dinner, to Frankie and Bennys, yum yum :) then went to see In Time at the cinema with that Justin Timberlake fellow in it, pretty good film here's the trailer :)

Well that's it for this week folks! hopefully I will start being asked more exciting things and it will be much easier for me to say yes to them!!

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